The Tana Sleep Trio

Pocketed Springs mattress, Electric Hydraulic Bed, Soft Memory Foam Pillow

  1. Pocketed Springs Mattress is design to conform to your body’s curves, providing targeted support to different pressure points and ensuring a restful night’s sleep.
  2. The soft memory pillow is engineered to pr,ovide over 800 support points for your neck and spine, helping you maintain a healthy sleeping position and minimizing discomfort.
  3. The electric hydraulic bed is standout feature of the Tana Sleep Trio. With just the push of a button, you can effortlessly lift the bed and access the spacious storage compartment underneath, which is perfect for storing extra linens and blankets. The bed is also designed to be easy on your back and knees, so you can enjoy a comfortable and stress-free sleeping experience.

In addition to the Tana Sleep Trio, Icon House also offers customizable bed frames, colour and size to help you create the perfect bedroom ambiance. With a wide range of styles and designs, you’re sure to find something that suits your taste.

Investing in quality bedroom essentials is essential for a good night’s sleep, and the Tana Sleep Trio is the perfect investment. Not only will it improve your sleep quality, but it will also transform your bedroom into a haven of comfort and relaxation.